Therapy Details
Below is further details and information on the various therapies offered
I work within the Bean Feasa and Celtic Shamanic tradition offering sessions based on an individual's unique requirements and what is currently their focus at the moment and time of the session.
Shamanic sessions vary and the experience depends on the individual themselves, where they are on their current healing/wellness journey and intention for the session. Shamanism is a nature based approach working on an individual basis and using various techniques within the traditional Celtic healing arts approach.
Some possible reasons to consider a shamanic healing session:
Feeling like something is lost or missing in your life
Relationship problems
Dealing with death and grief
Helping with hidden traumatic experiences
Lack of confidence or self worth issues
Seeking direction/focus in your life
Struggling with life’s addictions such as food, alcohol, drugs, etc.
Dealing with depression
Dealing with sexual abuse
Feeling stuck whether it be in personal, work or health life balance
Dealing with physical dis-ease and pain
Generating more creativity.
Western medicine only looks at the physical symptoms of illness and dis-ease where as shamanism looks at the whole person (body, mind and spirit) to understand the possible cause(s) and source(s) of any physical, mental or emotional issues. The nature of this work can go quite deep and uncover the root(s) of the issues with the Bean Feasa's role being to hold safe, sacred space, journey with/for an individual and be a guide to assist an individual to take the journey on their own unique healing path.
A shamanic healing session can last anywhere between 1.5 to 3 hours. A full consultation in advance of a session is required and new client's need to allocate time for more detailed discussion at beginning and end of session.
A lovely healing energy technique offered as an individual session or combined with other therapies for personalised wellness session.
Reiki is a hands-on therapy connecting with the universal energy surrounding our body and the world around us. It can assist with many physical, emotional and spiritual imbalances to re-balance and create harmony and wellness.
Some of the Health Benefits:
Reiki promotes relaxation, stress reduction and symptom relief to improve overall health and well-being. It can:
Bring on a meditative state to create relaxation with in the body
Foster tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery
Stimulate your body’s immune system
Promote natural self-healing
Relieve pain and tension
Support the well-being of people receiving traditional medical treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, surgery and kidney dialysis.
Additional add on Reiki options include Kundalini, Balance, DNA, Birth Trauma, Location, Past Life, Diamond and Crystalline should a specific intention or area of interest be required for a session. All options can be discussed during consultation if any of these additional elements are of interest.
Bean Feasa/Celtic Shamanic Practitioner
Women's Health & Womb Wellness (Re-Balance and Harmony)
These sessions assist with re-balancing and bringing harmony to the womb area and relates specifically to women's health issues. This energy based natural healing approach works with and in relation to various issues and traumas experienced by the womb and women such as:
Menstrual cramps, irregular or painful cycles
Menopause, hormonal issues
Stillbirth, miscarriage or any issues around pregnancy or birthing
Sexual trauma and abuse
Discomfort around sexual intimacy
The session works with the energetic body which surrounds the physical body and seeks to release any blocks, trauma or emotions held within this field without the requirement to re-live or talk in detail of events, circumstances or personal details. The session is confidential, non-evasive and is paced and controlled by the client. It is a gentle process set in a safe sacred space.
Tarot and Oracle Card Reading
Card readings are often misrepresented by movies and the media, but it is a long held tradition which seeks to provide a tool to connect with your own inner wisdom and intuition when cards are used for oneself. A reader is a guide and provides an experienced perspective to assist with interpretation of meanings, symbolism and images held within the cards using various layouts or spreads and different types of cards.
Cards come in various forms whether they are traditional Tarot or Oracle decks and nowadays you can find a huge variety in styles, themes and imagery within card decks.
Readings provided during these sessions are not to predict the future or a fortune telling fairground attraction, as the cards are used as a tool to work with current energy and circumstances as they seek to assist with decision making, providing additional perspective and possible wider scope to a situation being faced.
Readings can be directed to a particular part of your life such as changing jobs or career path, relationships, buying and selling property or relate to a particular issue, circumstance or event currently a priority for you.
IET (Integrated Energy Therapy)
Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) is a hands-on therapy. The session works directly with your body’s cellular memory and energy field to get the 'issues out of your tissues'. IET helps you to safely and gently release limiting energy patterns from your past, empower and balance your life in the present and embody your full potential as you move into your future.
Benefits of IET:
Can painlessly release suppressed feelings, self-limiting beliefs and cellular memories and old habits that may be blocking or holding you back from your true potential
Supports in enhancing your health, life purpose, prosperity and creativity
Assist with creating fulfilling loving relationships in all areas of your life by removing unconscious beliefs or energy blocks/obstacles
Provides gentle yet powerful support for survivors of childhood traumas such as physical and sexual abuse, alcoholic and dysfunctional families
Supports self-healing at all levels (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual).
Chakra/Energy Re-Alignment
The body is believed to hold many energy centres within and around the body. These centres are known as chakras with most people being aware of the seven major chakras located within the physical body. These centres are where universal energy (also known as chi, qi, ki, prana, mana, etc.) flows into the physical body. Each chakra is associated with a colour, emotion, body organ and they affect your health and well-being across physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. Imbalance is created when one or more of the chakras has higher or lower levels of energy.
This session uses various types of energy based therapies to re-align your chakra/energy centres to bring balance and harmony back into your health and well-being. Some signs of chakra imbalances include:
Feeling disconnected from your body or from the earth.
Feeling anxious, insecure, or fearful.
Lack of focus and difficulty making decisions.
Feeling tired, sluggish or lacking in energy.
EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
EFT is also often known as 'Tapping' as you use your fingers to tap on certain points on the body. These points are connected with acupuncture system accessing points close to the beginning of meridian lines within the body’s energy field. EFT has been described as 'acupuncture without the needles'.
This is a technique/skill I love to teach and share at classes and workshops as a very useful and effective tool you can learn to use for yourself on yourself.
What does EFT treat?
It can be used to manage both psychological problems and physical pain. For example, tapping is used to help cope with conditions such as:
chronic pain
anxiety and depression
post traumatic stress disorder
fear of public speaking and other forms of social anxieties/fear
short-term or chronic stress
muscular tension and joint pain
fatigue and boosting energy levels
tension headaches
food cravings and emotional eating
emotional problems tied to low self-esteem
difficulties with athletic performance, focus and coordination
trouble sleeping
Home and Land Healing and Clearing
Our homes, offices, business and land can hold energies that are imbalanced from a variety of sources, including conflict, stress, death, past negative events, or even the physical environment as well as geopathic energies that can be carried in to your home through underground streams, fault lines and ley lines. Our homes, workplaces or land we live on can hold energetic history & imprints. Everything that has taken place, not only within the bricks & mortar or on the land beneath the building will have left a kind of resonance. When negative energy accumulates, it can create feelings of discomfort, fear, anxiety, or sadness and it can affect the health and well-being of those living in the environment.
Much like we physically clean and look after our environments we need to regularly energetically clean and cleanse our homes, offices and land. Sometimes the build up over time and through various situations, events and circumstances may require a deeper clean and cleanse which can involve using Celtic Shamanic traditions and natural energy based practices to bring a home, office, business or land back into balance with its natural surroundings and environment.
Possible reasons for house or land healing include:
The energy in your home feels stagnant or stuck
You’ve recently moved into a new home or are looking to sell a home
Unusual tension or discord in relationships with those that you live with or share the space with
Businesses that are unsuccessful or workplaces that have low morale and high levels of staff out sick (Sick Building Syndrome).